The Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy

Your ankles are swollen, your back is aching, you are feeling fatigued, and you are carrying extra weight—you are experiencing pregnancy and exercising might be the last thing on your mind. You already have a lot happening, does exercise need to be a priority? Well, yes! Exercise during pregnancy has many benefits. These include boosting your mood, decreasing the impact of pregnancy symptoms (such as morning sickness) and helping with your post-partum recovery.

Here are three simple ways to integrate exercise into your daily routine to ensure a happy, healthy pregnancy!

1.) Go for a Walk

This one is super simple! Go for a quick, but brisk, walk! Take time to walk around the neighborhood, the mall, or a nature trail! Make sure to get a minimum of ten minutes for each session, but challenge yourself to go further if you are able!

2.) Barre

Try a Barre class for a workout that will improve your strength and increase your balance! These routines utilize low impact movements and emphasize balance, both of which are perfect for navigating your pregnancy. If you are not a member of a gym offering classes, you can search for YouTube videos featuring barre for free!

3.) Yoga

A calmer form of exercise, yoga is the perfect option for pregnant women. These movements emphasize relaxation, flexibility, and deep breathing, all of which will be important for surviving labor and delivery. Yoga also offers a variety of modifications to help you complete the class as your body changes!

Consistently exercising while you are pregnant can be a challenge, but with these quick and simple ideas, you will be able to incorporate it into your routine to help you manage your pregnancy!


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